5th Polish-French Forum of Science and Innovation at SGH

On November 19, 2019, SGH Warsaw School of Economics was hosting the 5th Polish-French Forum of Research and Innovation. This year's edition was organized jointly by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the French Institute in Poland, the French Embassy and SGH.
The initiative, organized for the fifth time, was an important event summarizing the Polish-French Year of Science, established in connection with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the restoration of diplomatic relations between Poland and France in 2019, on the basis of an agreement between the Polish and French governments.
The main goal of the Forum was to:
- strengthen bilateral cooperation between Poland and France in the field of research and innovation, including the bilateral exchange program of PHC Polonium scientists,
- intensification of cooperation between Polish and French scientists (joint projects) under the Horizon Europe framework program,
- exchange of experience and know-how how in the field of research,
- agreeing and creating incentives for developing cooperation.
This year's edition focused mainly on the cooperation of research teams with the innovative industry and the creation of international research centres in Europe and their role in stimulating this type of cooperation.