3rd Forum of Dean's Offices: International

On December 9-10, 2019 SGH Warsaw School of Economics was hosting 3rd Forum of Dean's Offices: International.
During this edition of the Forum, issues related to the internationalization of the university, student and staff service from abroad as well as intercultural communication were raised for the first time. The issues of internationalization in Polish universities are often combined only with the activities of international relations offices. Meanwhile, the staff of many other organizational/administrative units existing at the university also participate in extensive and multifaceted processes related to internationalization. Dean's office staff also has a significant role in shaping these processes. What's more, in the context of foreign student service, efficient cooperation between certain administrative units is also particularly important, especially between dean's offices and international relation offices. In this context, the 3rd Forum of Dean's Offices: International has become an excellent opportunity to discuss the synergy of goals, tasks and practical activities.
During the first day, which has been officially opened by Professor Sebastian Skuza (Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Higher Education and Science) and Professor Marek Rocki (SGH Rector), a discussion panel was held with the participation of guests from Poland and abroad. Invitation to join the panel was accepted by Professor Yvan Petit (UQAM, Canada), who shared experiences of internationalization processes at ESG UQAM (École des Sciences de la Gestion de l’UQAM) and Professor Cris Toffolo (NEIU, USA) who presented the best practices used by Northeastern Illinois University in the context of international students and working in a multicultural environment. On the second day of the conference there were 3 workshops tackling different aspects of internationalization of HEI's:
- "International student services - intercultural differences" led by Liliana Lato (head of the Office of International Cooperation at the University of Lodz)
- "New areas of cooperation - European universities" led by Dorota Maciejowska (head of the International Cooperation Department of the Jagiellonian University) and Hanna Gemza (coordinator of the UNA EUROPA alliance, Jagiellonian University)
- "Double diplomas and joint education programs" led by Małgorzata Chromy (deputy director of SGH International Centre)
Organizing an extensive and attractive international component as part of the Forum was possible thanks to SGH's participation in the "Welcome to Poland" project, financed by the NAWA – Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The international part of the Forum was coordinated by the SGH International Center.
You can see photos from this event here.